Since 2010, GObike Buffalo has worked to bring back the social street in the City of Buffalo. Our initiatives provide education and advocacy for rebuilding out streets and infrastructure to support community health, boost local economy, reduce air pollution and environmental impacts caused by unsustainable and inefficient transportation, provide opportunities and access to jobs, and reconnect our city.

Infrastructure Planning

Southern Tier Trail: Design and Engineering

Building off of the foundational work in the 2021 Southern Tier Trail Feasibility Study, GObike has been hired by Cattaraugus County to facilitate community engagement for the design and engineering phase of the Southern Tier Trail between Cattaraugus Creek in the Town of Ashford and the Town of Hinsdale.

Buffalo to Hinsdale, NY 2025
Healthy Streets Initiative

Cheektowaga Healthy Streets Initiative 2024

Informed by community input, GObike will facilitate a more welcoming atmosphere for walking and biking in the Town Park neighborhood through temporary changes to street design.

Town of Cheektowaga 2024

Dunkirk-Fredonia Central Connection

Now that the paint is in place, please provide feedback on our survey found here.

City of Dunkirk, Village of Fredonia 2023-2024

Pat McGee Trail Feasibility Study in Cattaraugus

GObike is facilitating the community engagement surrounding the Pat McGee Trail and Complete Streets Assessment ion Cattaraugus County.

Village of Cattaraugus 2024-2025

Niagara Communities Joint Trail Feasibility Study

Engaging with residents of Niagara County to create a vision for connecting the gaps in the existing trail and greenway network.

Niagara County 2024
Trail & Greenway Planning

East Side Trails Feasibility Study

The East Side Trails project is a combination of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements, including reconstruction of the existing off-road Scajaquada Creek Path in Cold Springs and the existing sidepath on William L. Gaiter Parkway, along with new on and off-road connections to link the two paths to each other and to the North Buffalo Rail Trail at LaSalle Station.

Buffalo, NY 2022
Healthy Streets Initiative

Lake Avenue, Hamburg, NY – Healthy Streets Initiative

To address community concerns about unsafe road conditions, GObike is working with the Town of Hamburg and Erie County to pilot safer road designs for Lake Avenue between South Park Ave and McKinley Parkway.

Town of Hamburg 2024

May is Bike Month in Buffalo!

Bike Month is here! Check back here for all of the happenings in May.

Buffalo May 2024

Amherst Peanut Line Feasibility Study

GObike is facilitating the creation of a community vision for the Peanut Line Trail to inform a technical feasibility study as a first step toward making the trail a reality.

Town of Amherst 2024-2025

Cheektowaga Trails Feasibility Study

The current conditions at Cheektowaga Town Park present a great opportunity to begin a process that will facilitate a welcoming atmosphere for increased walking and cycling.

Town of Cheektowaga 2022-2024
Healthy Streets Initiative

Parkside Avenue & Linden Avenue Walkability Improvement

Addressing the existing lack of ADA accessibility and excessively wide pavement radii at the intersection to provide safer continuous passage for pedestrians to the adjacent intersections of Depew Avenue and Crescent Avenue and the substandard sidewalks along Parkside Avenue as in passes underneath the Beltway-Subdivision railroad bridge.

North Buffalo 2022-2023


Recycle-A-Bicycle is an educational program for children of all ages that encourages hands-on problem-solving skills; understanding of working with tools; and identification of bicycle parts, mechanics, and functionality. Most importantly, problem-solving skills learned through building a bike will be carried beyond the classroom and into their entire lives.

Buffalo, NY 2008 to Present
Infrastructure Planning

Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study

The Arcade Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study will develop a cohesive set of concept-level plans and strategies, with defined priorities, to guide the Village in improving and expanding pedestrian and bicycle access within the Village of Arcade and region.

Arcade, NY 2023

Cheektowaga Healthy Streets Initiative – Straley/Alexander Pop-Up Project

The current conditions at Cheektowaga Town Park present a great opportunity to begin a process that will facilitate a welcoming atmosphere for increased walking and cycling.

Town of Cheektowaga 2022-2024
Healthy Streets Initiative

Town of Allegany School Trail Study

Town of Allegany, GObike team up to win Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, Design & Access funding administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo to support a study for potential trail connections with school, community.

Town of Allegany 2022-2023
Healthy Streets Initiative

PS 30 Sedita School Healthy Streets Initiative

GObike Buffalo, through a grant from the Rich Family Foundation, is working with Buffalo Public School 30, Frank A. Sedita School, to determine what safety improvements could be made in the intersections nearest to the school to encourage more safe walking and biking to school, creating a healthier, more convenient, more connected neighborhood and school in the process. Please take our survey in English or Spanish. GObike Buffalo a través de una subvención de Rich Family Foundation está funcionando con Buffalo Public School 30, Frank A. Sedita School, para determinar qué mejoras de seguridad se podrían realizar en las intersecciones más cercanas a la escuela para fomentar un caminar y andar en bicicleta más seguros a la escuela, creando un entorno más saludable y conveniente. , barrio y escuela más conectados en el proceso. Responda nuestra encuesta en inglés o español.

West Side Buffalo, NY Spring 2023
Healthy Streets Initiative

Hamburg Moves Healthy Streets Initiative

The Village of Hamburg has set a precedent for rural villages across NYS with the transformation of Route 62 to be pedestrian oriented. This success has led to continued demand for a more walkable and bikeable town connecting neighbors to neighborhoods and people to destinations.

Town of Hamburg 2022-2023
Healthy Streets Initiative

Niagara Falls Healthy Streets Initiative

In 2022, GObike and the City of Niagara Falls will kick off community engagement and project implementation to improve safety and access to the Niagara Gorge.

Niagara Falls, NY Spring 2022
Healthy Streets Initiative

Forest Avenue Healthy Streets Initiative

The City of Buffalo continues to make efforts to improve safe access for pedestrians and bicycles consistent with the regional plan. As construction is nearly complete on Niagara Street for protected bicycle lanes as part of the Empire State Trail, additional investments are planned on Elmwood and Delaware Avenues. However, a gap in planning and investment exists along Forest Avenue to connect all of these new facilities.  

Buffalo, NY April 2022

Lancaster Heritage Trail Extension


Healthy Streets Initiative

West Village Traffic Calming Project – 2022 Design Options

Funding has been provided to GObike to design and implement a temporary traffic calming project for the neighborhood to address people using drugs in their vehicles, parking illegally, driving at high speeds, and disregarding stop signs. The project started the week of September 13, 2021 and our staff placed flyers on vehicles to help notify in advance and encourage people to volunteer.

Buffalo, NY September 2021

Developing Our Transit Future

Buffalo, NY 2022
Infrastructure Planning

Proposed Road Diet on Eggert Road

GObike is supporting a resident-driven request for a road diet on Eggert Road in the towns of Tonawanda and Amherst. Fed up with fast speeds and unsafe conditions for people walking, a resident approached the municipalities with a plan to reduce the number of travel lanes on Eggert Road between Hendricks Boulevard and Crosby Boulevard. The GBNRTC is currently conducting an analysis to understand the impacts of the road diet.

Tonawanda, NY October 2020 to Present
Infrastructure Planning

Buffalo Bike Master Plan Update

Completed in 2016, the Buffalo Bicycle Master Plan laid a framework for future investments in safe complete streets. Bicyclists’ needs will be integrated into the City’s projects, policies, and programs. Planning, implementation, and maintenance of roadway, public works, and transit projects will include improvements to accommodate bicyclists of all abilities. A well-connected bicycle infrastructure network will improve safety, the environment, public health, and quality of life for residents, visitors, and businesses. A bicycle-friendly Buffalo will be a more affordable, economically competitive, and sustainable city.

Buffalo, NY 2014 to January 2016

Buffalo’s High Injury Network Map

Big Reveal: Buffalo’s High-Injury Network Map – Roads for the city to immediately prioritize to improve safety.

City of Buffalo
Pop-Up Infrastructure

Ridge Road Pop-Up Protected Bike Lane

Working with the City of Lackawanna, GObike is building a 1.4-mile temporary two-way protected bicycle lane on the north side of Ridge Road between the new Erie County Industrial Heritage Trail along Fuhrmann Boulevard to Electric Avenue connecting to Nason Parkway.  Through this pop-up pilot project, expected to be in place for one to two years, the City of Lackawanna hopes to determine the effectiveness of installing a two-way protected bicycle lane to improve the safety, health, connectivity, economic vibrancy and quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

Lackawanna, NY September 2020
Infrastructure Planning

City of Buffalo Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

GObike chairs the Buffalo Common Council’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, which provides recommendations to the city on the implementation of plans, policy, and projects to ensure safe travel for all roadways users is considered.

Buffalo, NY 2006 to Present
Infrastructure Planning

Grant Street Streetscape Design Study

Located on Buffalo’s vibrant west side, Grant Street provides a critical economic and social anchor for many nearby communities. With the support and guidance of the City of Buffalo, State Senator Sean Ryan, Councilmember David Rivera, the NFTA, and many other Grant Street institutions and organizations, business owners and residents, GObike is embarking on a process to plan for a streetscape that reflects the current and future needs and aspirations of a street, a neighborhood, and a city with a bright and promising future.

Buffalo, New York October 2018 to Present

Buffalo was selected as one of several cities across the U.S. to create Play Streets–open streets events closing streets to cars and opening them to people to walk, bike, skate a...


From 2008 to 2018, GObike Buffalo and Massachusetts Avenue Project hosted Tour de Farms, an annual ride to urban and rural farms, farm markets, and local food distributors. Highl...

Pop-Up Infrastructure

Pop-up complete streets projects are temporary street treatments that provide community members and decision-makers with a tangible visualization of how walking, bicycling, and pu...

Pop-Up Infrastructure

Pop-up complete streets projects are temporary street treatments that provide community members and decision-makers with a tangible visualization of how walking, bicycling, and pu...

4 Results