Most volunteer spots are project or event-based.
There is ONE standing need for volunteers, and that’s on the first Thursday of every month at 98 Colvin to work on kids bikes.
There are multiple opportunities to contribute to our work in transforming our city and region.
Volunteers are such a critical part to the work we do. The people who help us out for events, project implementation, or even just a few hours at the workshop–they’re the ones who make our visions a reality. An active, committed volunteer base is also key to So, if you’re looking to make a difference in your community, want to be introduced to a network of committed neighbors, or are just looking for something to do on a Saturday afternoon, we’d love to have you as one of our amazing volunteers.
Infrastructure Planning Projects
We always need help activating communities around our pilot projects. This includes canvassing neighborhoods, and inviting people to participate in surveys or informational events. When it comes time to implement a project out in the road, we will also need help painting lanes, installing bollards and delineators and all that fun safety improvement stuff!
We’re always looking for SkyRide volunteers (our biggest fundraiser of the year!), but we also host other events throughout the year–including public information sessions or other fun, community-based and bike-related events associated with ongoing projects. We always need help guiding folks, making sure they have their questions answered, and ensuring that everyone is feeling included, informed, and safe.
Community Workshop
Good with bikes? Want to help us organize our inventory of bikes and bike parts? We’d love to have some volunteers at the shop! Email to learn more.