Born out of the senseless killing of an 12-year-old boy, Marcell Yanders, last fall outside his west side school, punctuated by a reckless driver running a stop sign at full speed and killing the dog of visually-impaired walker, and bolstered by the near constant crashes between cars and people who walk and bike in our city, leadership is finally willing to admit there’s a problem worth discussing.

Here’s to hoping we don’t waste time calling for the same things we have for decades: “more enforcement… better behavior… etc etc.”

That doesn’t work. Roadway redesign does. Fight for it.

Paint is one thing. Speed humps, elevated crosswalks, curb bump-outs, and narrower lanes are quite another. Be heard this Friday.

From the West Side Community Forum group on Facebook:

( In response to 3/13 our neighbor being hit by a car that ran a stop sign on W. Utica and Norwood and killed his dog, and there was also a 12-year-old-boy killed walking to school in October)

This Friday! March 18, 6pm
Place: Richmond Senior Center
Corner of Summer & Richmond
Use doors closest to Richmond or back door.
See you there!
Thank you Councilmember David Rivera for your immediate response and to our community.
Block Club leaders, please let your neighbors know. Everyone, please share this info.
City Hall has begun a Street Calming Initiative including speed bumps and crosswalk painting. Michael Finn and Skipper Nolan have been altered to this meeting. It is my hope they can come and tell us what they are doing for our neighborhoods, and hear from us. We need to work on this together. I am working on getting our community officer from the Buffalo Police Department there too.
Please make this a priority. So many people have told me their stories about almost being run over by drivers blowing through stop signs and red lights. We want to hear from you!!!
Stay safe out there,
Linda Gale Gellman
Ashland Avenue Block Club 1st & 2nd blocks
Board of Buffalo Block Clubs