Crash reports, by district
The time is now to usher in a new legacy for Buffalo, one where we prioritize not the speed of vehicles moving through our neighborhoods, but the safety of all road users – those on feet, on bikes, on buses, and in cars – equally.
We’ll be releasing in-depth reports on each of the city’s nine council districts, in alphabetical order. Find them all here.
We encourage you to read each fully to understand the state of our city’s traffic safety, and join us in moving forward in a positive direction with real plans for design improvement, not just rhetoric.

Crash reports, by district
The time is now to usher in a new legacy for Buffalo, one where we prioritize not the speed of vehicles moving through our neighborhoods, but the safety of all road users – those on feet, on bikes, on buses, and in cars – equally.
We’ll be releasing in-depth reports on each of the city’s nine council districts, in alphabetical order. Find them all here.
We encourage you to read each fully to understand the state of our city’s traffic safety, and join us in moving forward in a positive direction with real plans for design improvement, not just rhetoric.