Black lives matter.

As a city and a region, we have a long way to go to living into our vision of an equitable society. This is true of our organization as well.

The brutal murder of George Floyd is one disturbing incident amidst a seemingly endless legacy of violence perpetuated on communities of color. Most of these are unseen or unremarked on by the public at large, but that does not diminish the lasting pain and injustice that they perpetrate on individuals, families, and communities in our city and across our country. These disgusting and inexcusable incidents are symptoms of deep and ingrained structural racism – in our justice system, our education system, our transportation system, and more – that inflicts direct harm on our neighbors and our collective future.

GObike stands with those seeking an end to inequity and fighting for freedom, liberation and justice, and we recommit ourselves to rethinking our work and our approach to support front line communities and, specifically, communities of color. Things cannot continue the way they have. That requires us all to change.

In the coming weeks and months, we will be checking back with a list of specific actions that we are taking to hold ourselves accountable to advancing our values of equity and inclusion in our operations and in our community.