Stop sign?
Cyclists could slow, yield if clear.
Stop light?
Cyclists could stop. Look. Go when clear.
That’s the “Idaho Stop”
A vehicle traffic law first practiced in Idaho now has years and years of data behind it that prove allowing cyclists to keep moving actually makes the road safer for them and for drivers.
This year the in New York Assembly and Senate, a similar law is on the table, and as always, it needs your support. If you cycle often, you know this is common sense, but that doesn’t mean your elected officials do. You have to speak up.
Below is more reasons to get behind the bill, and contact information for your elected reps to see it move forward – all from our friends at partners in the statewide Safe Streets Coalition.
“Idaho Stop” bill would allow cyclists to treat lights as stop signs and stop signs as yields.
Letting cyclists enter an intersection before a light turns green gets them out of truck driver’s blind spots and around vehicles blocking bike lanes—two principal causes of cyclist fatalities.
So please take two minutes to write an email, we’ve penned most of it below.
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