Buffalo News, August 7, 2020
“People are looking for things to do and they have more time on their hands,” said Justin Booth, executive director of GObike Buffalo, the largest biking advocacy group in the region.
“It’s a good challenge to have and we’re working on adjusting,” Booth said.
Finding a bike
“Every Friday, we try to post bikes,” workshop director Stacy Sauvageau said. “Because we’re doing a million other things during the week, too, we probably get about a dozen up every Friday and they’re always gone by Sunday.”
Get ready to ride
The GObike Buffalo Community Workshop
Rules of the road
“Fundamentally, as a person on a bicycle, you have the same rights and responsibilities as any other road user,” Ianni said. “That will inform all your decisions as a bike rider. Traffic signals, traffic signs, road markings, all these things apply to you.”
“It’s all about being respectful to your fellow citizens on the roadway,” Booth said.
Repair scenarios
“Starting in March, when we closed down for the pandemic, we basically just kind of started operating like a normal retail bike shop,” Sauvageau said.