Continue to show up for our friends and neighbors.

East Side Bike Club has launched their riding season with fun, casual rides every Saturday morning. The free ride features bells, waves, “East Side Bike Club!!” chants, high-fives, music, and friendships forming. Cycling brings out the best in people. It improves physical and mental health, it strengthens community bonds, and it can be one small way to help those affected by the racist terror attack on 5/14/22 to heal.

While everyone is invited to join the ESBC rides every Saturday morning , this week’s 5/14 Solidrity Ride (held on Saturday May 18, 9:30A) puts the emphasis on EVERYONE.

Show up and ride. It’s as simple as that. Remembering and honoring those who were killed and injured that day isn’t just something that one group of people should do in one section of town. It’s an opportunity to re-engage with your neighbors and ride in solidarity. That shooting was an attack on all of us.

Let’s all ride together.

See you at the MLK Statue at MLK Park Saturday morning at 9:30. Ride departs at 10:00, and usually lasts about an hour.