Buffalo Bicycle Master Plan Update


Completed in 2016, the Buffalo Bicycle Master Plan laid a framework for future investments in safe complete streets.

Bicyclists’ needs will be integrated into the City’s projects, policies, and programs. Planning, implementation, and maintenance of roadway, public works, and transit projects will include improvements to accommodate bicyclists of all abilities. A well-connected bicycle infrastructure network will improve safety, the environment, public health, and quality of life for residents, visitors, and businesses. A bicycle-friendly Buffalo will be a more affordable, economically competitive, and sustainable city.


Making Buffalo a World-Class Bicycling Community

The Bicycle Master Plan for the City of Buffalo was funded in part by a grant to GObike Buffalo from New York State through a collaborative agreement between the Department of Transportation and NYSERDA, and with matching funds provided by the City of Buffalo.

There are many reasons to promote bicycle ridership in Buffalo and the city’s new Bicycle Master Plan will serve as our blueprint to providing an even safer and more connected bicycle network citywide that will improve safety, public health and quality of life for our citizens. It is also a plan that promotes bicycling infrastructure for the benefit of all city residents.

– Mayor Byron W. Brown (2016)

Project Benefits


Improves active transportation connections throughout the Western New York region.


Stimulates the local economy by allowing people to walk, bike, and take transit to business districts. Complete streets also increase property values and spur private investment.

Health and Well-Being

Creates space for recreation to promote the mental and physical health of residents and visitors.


Reduces deleterious impacts of transportation on our environment by decreasing air pollution, land pollution, and GHG emissions.


Off-road trails provide safe recreational opportunities for a variety of users. They provide a designated space for bicyclists, pedestrians, joggers, and others.

Buffalo Bicycle Master Plan Recommendations

This plan recommends the addition of 300 miles of bikeways to be implemented in over 10 years. If plan recommendations are constructed according to this schedule, Buffalo will become one of the most bikeable cities in the United States. Through stakeholder collaboration and continued commitment from the City, the plan’s vision and recommendations can become reality.


MetricCurrentBy 2021Status
League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Community StatusBronzeGoldNot yet achieved
Lane miles of bike facilities100200Not yet achieved
Bicycle Commuter Mode Share1.6%6%Unknown; not currently measured
Approximate % of women ridership25%40%Not currently measured
Bicycle Racks~600800Not yet achieved

Project Partner